You can start your day by rushing to the bathroom and frantically getting ready for your day while skipping breakfast because you’re running late. Or, you can start your day calmly and with positivity while you take your time and look put together while eating a healthy breakfast. I recommend the latter. With quarantine in effect, all our routines have taken a dramatic hit. We’ve had to adjust to working from home and it’s more important than ever to start our days on a good note. Here are my tips on what habits to implement into your morning to make sure you have an amazing day!
Related: How To Be Productive AF When Working From Home
Let’s be real – none of us have been consistently working out. Ever since I came home, the only workout I’ve been doing is my daily walk. While that’s nice, it’s not nearly enough considering all the food I’ve been eating. Doing a few stretches when I wake up in the morning has been extremely helpful. After sleeping for eight hours, our bodies become stiff and stretching helps to increase blood flow to our muscles. It also wakes us up and prepares us for the day ahead. Challenge: If you would like to take it a step further, do some of these yoga poses below. This will really center your mind and wake up your body – give it a shot!
I’ll be honest, some days I skip this because I get busy and all of a sudden it’s lunch time. I started to take my laptop to the kitchen and make a good breakfast for myself. My vanilla iced chai is great and all but it’s not a filling breakfast. Actively going out of your way and making a hearty breakfast will do wonders for your day!
Ok, I’ll admit that I haven’t been doing this since I’ve been home (sorry mom) but when I was back in NY, I did it every morning before I left for work. By doing something small like making my bed, it gave me a sense of calmness. It’s the first task of your day and will start your day off on a great note. Making your bed is a great habit to cultivate and it doesn’t take that long either. Trust me, there’s nothing better than coming home to a perfectly made bed.
To Do lists are my best friends. The first thing I do after getting my iced chai for the morning is get my planner and plan my day / week. I break each task down into sub tasks (mostly because I love checking things off). This gives me a sense of control and I feel like I have my life together. It definitely helps me focus and keeps me on track. And, I feel so much more calm and at ease knowing I have my day planned.
I’ve discovered that natural light directly correlates with my mood. Sunlight is the best way to wake your body up so always leave your blinds open when you’re working and when you wake up. It’s hard for our bodies to go from pitch dark to bright light so leaving our curtains open while we wake up makes the morning go so much smoother. We gradually wake up and adjust to the light. I also leave the blinds open where I’m working so the sun can work its magic on my mood – it really does help!
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Let me know if you guys have any other tips for good habits to implement to have a good day!
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